Course Description: |
You know it is exploitation, it is complicated and time is of the essence, but what can you do and where do you go? In these types of cases, investigators and attorneys are challenged by issues of competency and intent. This intense, fast-paced three-day course will address elder law documents, guardianship, power of attorney (including recent changes to the law), capacity, undue influence, and more. Participants will discuss and examine elements of the crime with a number of subject matter experts. Elder law attorneys, state attorneys and investigators will collaboratively provide insight and formulate strategies to build successful civil and criminal cases. Participants will learn how to evaluate “the players” and steps to expose these offenders.
This course will utilize concurrent interactive breakout sessions. Investigators will strategize on evidence gathering and its value in preparation of a legal action, while attorneys will be refining their trial skills leading to the successful resolution of a case.
The Florida Attorney General’s Office and the Florida Bar Elder Law Section’s, Committee on Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation are once again collaborating to present this course, primarily for investigators and attorneys. The goal of the course is to enhance attendees’ knowledge and skills in formulating successful investigations and prosecutions.
There is a partial scholarship available for this class. This form contains information about the scholarship and the application for the scholarship. Please note, the tuition cost you pay to FCPTI does not change. If you are awarded a scholarship, that money will be reimbursed to you by the Florida Bar. 'Tools of the Trade' Scholarship Application
The cost of attending the three day course is $295.00. However, individual days may be purchased at a rate of $100 a day. The Attorney General’s Certificate of Course Completion can only be obtained by attending all three days. Individuals are strongly encouraged to attend all three days. To view an abbreviated agenda, go to the following link:
Abbreviated Agenda
Participants registering for the entire course may submit their registration forms electronically by clicking the 'Register' button above. However, if attending only one or two days, fill out the registration form below. Fill out the form as usual, but when it asks for 'Course Dates', list the days you plan on attending instead of the days the course takes place. Upon completion of the form, it may be faxed to (850) 413-0633 or e-mailed to FCPTI If you have any questions please call (850) 414-3360 Registration Form